Monday, August 8, 2011

12 days, 12 thoughts

1. There are 12 days until Walkabout officially starts, 5 days until I officially move out, 4 days left of work, and -7 days left of a clean room.

2. I think one of my crowning achievements this year has been how organized and clean my room has been. Yes, there were definitely months at a time where there were at least 3 articles of clothing on my floor at all times, but if I had an hour or so, I could whip my room into a presentable state. That would NOT have been possible in my living quarters for the past...4-ish years? And now all of that success is packed away/in piles strewn across my floor.

3. Packing up a room always makes me feel like I am in Bellatrix LeStrange's vault at Gringotts. Everything I touch just seems to multiply. I think I am going to embarrass myself with how much stuff I take to camp.

4. As far as I can tell, there are 11 girls and 7 guys doing Walkabout. My friend Sydney, who did Walkabout last year, told me that one of the biggest blessings and biggest curses is that Walkabout gives you a community that is always up in your business. These people are going to know WAY more about me than some people I have known for years. Nuts!

5. I am SO excited to get to know full-time staff. Whether as a mentor, "big sister/brother," friend, etc., I really can't wait.

6. I am bringing my obnoxious collection of pillows with me. They make me comfortable. All 7 that I keep on my bed. End of story.

7. That's right, a few stuffed animals are coming as well.

8. I tried to check out a book from the library today and my ID card has been disabled. Feeling excluded by Baylor stings a touch.

9. I still have to order books, but 4 for the entire year is a LOT less than the 14 or so I would need for BIC each year!

10. My Chacos are resoled and happy :)

11. Let's be honest, Baylor encourages a "dress-to-impress" attitude, and the expectation for me to wear something other than a constant string of t-shirts is not going to change once I graduate to the real world. Keeping it casual for 9 months while wearing an embarrassing number of athletic shorts and t-shirts will feel WONDERFUL.

12. I still have so many people to see before I leave! And so many goodbyes to say!! None of which make me happy :( I will miss my dear, sweet friends.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I just met my first fellow Walkabouter!

Yesterday I had lunch with Tyler, one of the guys doing Walkabout. He just graduated from Midway and since we live so close to one another, we figured it'd be silly if we didn't meet before actually getting to camp!

I think I told him about 17 times that we were going to be best friends.